Add this green food to all of your desserts and salads. It is chock full of Vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and amino acids. It is a whole food.
This is the seaweed that you will want to experiment with for many of your health concerns. It is safe treatment for cancer, helpful to weight loss, it lowers triglycerides and is safe to the environment to grow and harvest.
This whole food nutrient is named after its spiral appearance. It has been consumed by humans for millions of years, since prehistoric times.
Spirulina mixes in well with most recipes. You might like to try smoothies, pancakes, breads, egg dishes or vegetable dishes with spirulina mixed in. It can be purchased in a bulk powder for this purpose.
Photo Source: Flickr PetiteFamily93
now foods spirulina powder
Photo Source: Flickr Premasagar
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